Advertise on Harriers Online
The reason why
Would you like your business to reach thousands of people in the Wyre Forest area everyday of the week? If you would then why not advertise with Harriers Online – the leading independent Kidderminster Harriers website.
Our traffic figures* are impressive with on average in December 2019:
58,760 unique visits and 393,485 impressions per month
As you can see our figures are healthy and this is because of the success of Kidderminster Harriers.
Your company could be part of this by advertising with Harriers Online
We offer various ways to promote your company.
You could take a 468 x 60 advert, on the top of every page, that will be seen on the main website on a rotational basis 100% of the time. The cost for that is only £150 per annum.
Another option is to have a 468 x 60 advert on the Harriers Chatter forum. This is the most popular section of the website and receives visitors from far and wide who want to see what the fans are saying and sometimes join in with the banter too.
Your advert will be on the top of the forum on a rotational basis and will be displayed in full view. The very low cost for this is just £150 pa and if you take both then it’s an even more wallet friendly £250.
We also run small 125 x 125 sized scrolling adverts at the foot of the home, news, preview and reports pages, and these are available for just £75 pa.
So to sum up:
468 x 60 advert. Every page (not forum). Rotational. £100
468 x 60 advert. Forum only. Rotational. £100
468 x 60 advert. Every page including forum. Rotational. £175
So why are you waiting?
Just contact the website HERE and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
If you need any artwork for your advert then this can be accomplished for a reasonable fee.
*all figures provided by my hosting company TSOHOSTS using the Awstats database.